
Corporate Governance Definition
Corporate Governance is the policies and regulation which arrange the relationship between the Board of Directors of the company and its shareholders and other stakeholders. It also provides structure through which the objectives of the company and the means of achieving them are placed and identifies the parties to monitor performance , and that is according to the definition of "the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development" OECD.
And therefore corporate governance is one that provides the right incentives to reach the goals that are in the interest of the company for both the Board and the operations management, and facilitates the creation of an effective control process, and thus helps the company to exploit its resources efficiently.

Objectives of Corporate Governance

  • Achieving efficiency in reaching the desired goals.

  • Strengthen the confidence and credibility of the company and its management.

  • Preservation of the rights of shareholders and stakeholders of the company.

Principles of Corporate Governance

  • Disclosure and transparency

  • Justice and integrity

  • Accountability

  • Social Responsibility

Disclosure and transparency

  • The corporate governance manual states the need to comply to accurate and orderly disclose regarding all financial matters related to the company through appropriate internal and external communication, including the statement of financial position, performance, ownership and matters relating to control. Such transparency would create an atmosphere of trust and confidence internally and externally, and formulate a clear division of responsibilities between the authorities.

  • Transparency also ensures clear and cognitive means of communication between shareholders, the board of directors and operations management. Creating an effective climate of transparency in the work environment is the responsibility of all parties in order to achieve:

  • Protection of minority rights through the disclosure of their rights in the financial statements.

  • Disclosure of the risks of concentration of shares in the hands of a small group of major shareholders.

  • Disclosure of transactions with stakeholders, including major shareholders.

  • The right to obtain information about the exceptional operations that affect the company, to provision the requirements of disclosure of the significant events.

Justice and integrity

The company's board follows the highest standards of integrity and fair and equal treatment for all shareholders regardless of their contribution rates, quotas or their property and this is one of the most important basics of the concepts and principles of corporate governance where all shareholders have equal opportunities for compensation against any violation to their rights. This principle recognizes that the shareholders the have right to retain their shares in the company or convert them and exercise their rights, protect their interests and their shares in available methods in accordance to the laws adopted in the State of Kuwait and the Company and its statute, and includes, the right to complain and/or appeal to any violation to their rights, he selection of the Board, get returns from profits, reviewing the financial statements, and the right to actively participate in the meetings of the General Assembly.



  • The board of directors and operations management to work seek to bring about the desired balance between the interests of shareholders and stakeholders and the requirements of protecting the company and its assets, so the company has arranged their strategic priorities and objectives and developed indicators to measure performance through:

  • The awareness of the operations management and employees of their role and responsibility.

  • Evaluate work through a set of standards and performance indicators

  • Accountability on the values ​​and goals that have been achieved.

  • The Board prepares an annual report on the company's accomplishments and performance in general and compares it with the performance of leading institutions in the same field./


Social Responsibility
Social responsibility includes creating jobs and training graduates to provide skills in the labor market as well as to promote the use of technology and contribute to raising the standard of living through initiatives and contributions in the social, health, educational, cultural and environmental areas.


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